Thursday 24 March 2016

Difference between Html and Html5

Difference between Html and Html5

The main Difference between Html and Html5 is; Html5 is very simple and easy. Html only supported by old web browser but Html5 supported by all new web browser.

Difference between Html and Html5

HTML 5 is an updated version of HTML. It's much similar to HTML. But difference is HTML 5 contains much better support for media such as, an audio and video tag.

Some new tags are added in html5

  • <header> and <footer> tag are used for define header and footer area.
  • <nav> tag are use for navigation menu.
  • <menu> can be used for your main menu, but it can also be used for toolbars and context menus. 
  • The <figure> element is another way to arrange text and images.
  • <audio> and <video> tag are added for media.

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